Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Lots going on this week

As we mentioned yesterday, it was Joshua's birthday on Monday. Hannah, Josh and I went to the Make a Wish Foundation ice cream cake social at Stone Cold Creamery. Both kids had a blast. Josh thought Lug Nut, the Lowe's Motor Speedway mascot was great and they also got to sit in a Fire engine.

Today Hannah's class put on a circus show at school. I was pleasantly surprised at how fun it was to watch. Usually it's only fun while your own kids are out on stage, or at least that's the way it's been for several other things she has participated in. This time it was all fun to watch. The lighting was pretty bad. Later I'll post what I could salvage out of the pictures I took. I'm having a lot of internet connection problems and have decided to switch from cable broadband to DSL. Hope that fixes it.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Today is Joshua's Birthday

Yes, it's true. Josh is 4 years old today.

Happy birthday buddy!

Maybe later we'll have a picture of the birthday boy enjoying some cake and ice cream.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Spring Fever!

Heather and I will take our traditional Checkered Ball silent auction weekend in just five days! (Since this will be the second time it becomes a tradition this year.)

Last year it was the Hampton Inn Col. Alto which was great. The historic rooms are more like an upscale bed and breakfast than a Hampton Inn. Lexington is a charming little town and there's just enough there to fill up a weekend.

This year will be the at the Sea Watch resort. Here's to good weather this weekend. Hopefully it won't be as crowded as in the picture from their website. We are really looking forward to it.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

A low down dirty rotten shame

It's better to be poor in Norway than in the US. We're talking about working folks here, not welfare queens.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Change at Davidson

My alma matter's decision to lift the requirement that trustees be active in the Christian Church has caused a bit of controversy. This decision was made back in February and I guess it didn't make much news at the time because it's the first I'd heard of it. It takes two of the school's biggest donor's jumping ship to make the front page of the Charlotte Observer.

I still haven't figured out how I truly feel about the decision. As long as a candidate for trustee is qualified and of good character it would seem they should qualify. Yet the new regulations -- that 80% of trustees be Christian just strikes me as even more strangely arbitrary than the original guidelines.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Aunt Rosemary

This past weekend Hannah and I traveled up to Hot Springs, Virginia to attend the burial service for my great aunt Rosemary. While it was a somber occasion, it was nice to see my cousins Mark Daniel and Shannon as well as Uncle Mark and by Aunt Beth. I don't believe I have seen any of them in years. It was a gorgeous day and Mark Daniel did a fine job leading the service. My grandmother's church, Ashwood United Methodist, provided lunch afterwards which allowed us to visit a little bit with each other. I didn't get to visit with aunt Rosemary very often as she lived in New Jersey, but I always enjoyed time spent with her and her family. She will be missed.

Heather and Josh stayed home because they hadn't been feeling well and it turns out Joshua had a pretty bad ear infection. That's the second ear infection since his last set of ear tubes fell out so it looks like he's going to have another set put in.