Thursday, March 31, 2005

Creative Impulse in Therapy 2004-2005

Health Counseling Psychology Workshop Series #4 begins tomorrow.

This year's topic - Spirituality & Ethics: Families and Sexual Orientation (Roanoke, VA)
(register on-line here)

Monday, March 28, 2005

And now for something completely different

If you can read this it means my blog was automatically updated by email! No logging in. No typing in that little composition window. Just a little email sent from whatever email client I choose. AOL, work, doesn't matter.

Now, being a ten plus year veteran of the information technology industry I realize that technologically doing this is no big feat. In fact I could probably cobble something together in a day or two which would in essence do the same thing.

But that doesn't change the fact that it's just pretty darn cool.

Update: Actually, I have it set only to add to the draft version of the blog. That way if someone guesses my "secret number" they can't vandalize my site. So this post was added automatically, but I had to log in to have it published.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Happy Easter

Wishing a happy Easter to all.

Palm Sunday Cantata

Just couldn't resist posting a picture of the children singing at the Palm Sunday cantata.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Weekend update

Josh and I made another trip to the "Farm" this weekend to get a final load of furniture up there. This time the weather was much better and I got to take a foot tour of the property as well as a driving tour around the area. I was able to get a few pictures this time which I’ll try to post later.

Hannah did a great job singing in the Palm Sunday cantata. Following was an Easter Egg hunt which Joshua slept through! Not much of a napper, Josh must either be sick or completely worn out following his visit to Virginia.

On a more somber note, I learned a childhood friend, Matthew Deely, was killed in an automobile accident this weekend. His mother, Simone Poirier-Bures, is a very close family friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with Matthew’s family at this particularly tragic time.

Update: Here are the pictures I promised earlier

Monday, March 14, 2005

Birthday celebrations

We traveled up to Radford this weekend to help celebrate my Dad's birthday and check out the 'farm.'

Heather's Mom, Jan, was kind enough to donate the use of several pieces of furniture for the house at my parent’s new place which we brought up with us. Also joining us were my brother, Jason, and his girlfriend Katherine.

The view is fantastic. No pictures yet, but since we couldn’t fit everything in the Van on the first trip we’ll be going up next week too. Maybe we’ll actually have batteries in our camera next time.

We enjoyed dinner at Sal’s with the Bures’ capped off with some of Mrs. Rowe’s famous pie for dessert. Thanks for bringing the pie, Jason and Katherine!

And happy birthday, Dad!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I, robot

OK, so I'm way behind the curve on this one. But having once been a huge Issac Asimov fan I just couldn't let it go.

I watched I, robot on DVD this weekend and while not terrible (for a Hollywood Action/Science fiction) it was in no way true to the Asimov robot legacy.

So if you are familiar with the Asimov robot books or stories don't go in expecting anything you've read before.

Of course for anyone who's ready a few Asimov books would probably suspect something is up the minute Asimov is combined with the word "Action". His writings never were the sort of stuff to get your heart pounding.