Monday, April 11, 2005

Aunt Rosemary

This past weekend Hannah and I traveled up to Hot Springs, Virginia to attend the burial service for my great aunt Rosemary. While it was a somber occasion, it was nice to see my cousins Mark Daniel and Shannon as well as Uncle Mark and by Aunt Beth. I don't believe I have seen any of them in years. It was a gorgeous day and Mark Daniel did a fine job leading the service. My grandmother's church, Ashwood United Methodist, provided lunch afterwards which allowed us to visit a little bit with each other. I didn't get to visit with aunt Rosemary very often as she lived in New Jersey, but I always enjoyed time spent with her and her family. She will be missed.

Heather and Josh stayed home because they hadn't been feeling well and it turns out Joshua had a pretty bad ear infection. That's the second ear infection since his last set of ear tubes fell out so it looks like he's going to have another set put in.


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