Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Faith of George W Bush

How is it that the G. W. Bush can place a seemingly equal amount of faith in two rather contradictory directions?
A. Jesus Christ a force for morality, forgiveness, and non-violence
B. The free market, an amoral force which has not interest in the good of individuals specifically nor mankind in general, is not forgiving of those who stumble, and often results in coercion and violence when not properly regulated. The only thing a free market is interested in is an efficient marketplace.

Perhaps I am cynical, but it seems to me G. W. Bush believes in what he wants to believe in regardless of the morality involved.

How is it that G. W. Bush can place so much faith in certain controversial theories while dismissing others?

A. Trickle down economics, a highly controversial economic theory with little supporting evidence, most of which is circumstantial. Not nearly universally accepted by the experts in the field of economics. Touted by G. W. Bush practically as gospel. He has bet our economic recovery on this theory and in the process created a sizable deficit. A deficit is a universally accepted drag on all economies, which can only be offset when an economy grows at a greater rate than the rate of borrowing.

B. Evolution, a highly controversial scientific theory with a wealth of supporting evidence, most of which is circumstantial. Nearly universally accepted by the experts in the field of biology. G. W. Bush does not endorse evolution; he does not actively believe nor disbelieve in it.

C. Global warming, nearly universally accepted scientific theories with a wealth of supporting evidence, which may well require immediate action to reverse. G. W. Bush advocates 'further study' of this issue before proposing any course of action.

Perhaps I am cynical, but it seems to me G. W. Bush believes what he wants to believe regardless of the scientific merit.


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